Friday, 29 April 2011

Royston to Brentwood Travel Lodge – 26.4.11

Yesterday we had trouble accessing the Internet at the Banyers Hotel.  We enquired at the Hotel and they said all was well their end; so this morning we went down to the local PC Shop.  The owner had a cursory look at the PC, issued to us many portents of DOOM about viruses, passwords, hard drives etc.  He was obviously after our business but as we could not stop we took our laptop back. We travelled from Royston to Brentwood via Chipping Ongar.  At the Travel Lodge in Bentwood (lovely place!) we successfully logged onto the internet there, scanned the laptop for viruses etc and all was OK.  Visiting local “boil in the bag” restaurant next door for our evening meal.  It’s called the Halfway House.  If it’s half way decent I will be pleasantly surprised.

Was pleasantly surprised!  Very nice meal indeed.

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